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The Icon Bar: News and features: Usenet and Mailing List Posting Guide [updated]

Usenet and Mailing List Posting Guide [updated]

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 10:01, 2/6/2005 | , , ,
messengerproPeter Naulls has noted that "Over the recent year, the quality of posts to the comp.sys.acorn usenet hierarchy and RISC OS mailing lists has deteriorated markedly". He puts this down to RISC OS users who "haven't learnt nettiquette".

To address this issue Peter has written a guide to RISC OS Mailing List and Usenet posting with various tips of what to do before you post, and how/where to post when you do.

[update]It appears that Peter (Naulls) has decided to remove his article, and indeed the entirety of riscos.info, which includes the UNIX Porting Project website.[/update]

Peter Naulls' posting guide - No longer available (Google Cache)
Peter Howkins' "alternative" posting guide
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People With Email - Part 1, Part 2


  Usenet and Mailing List Posting Guide [updated]
  [mentat] (11:38 2/6/2005)
  andypoole (11:57 2/6/2005)
    monkeyson2 (13:21 2/6/2005)
      [mentat] (13:40 2/6/2005)
        flibble (14:18 2/6/2005)
          monkeyson2 (14:50 2/6/2005)
            andypoole (14:53 2/6/2005)
              flibble (15:40 2/6/2005)
                Richard Hallas (17:17 2/6/2005)
                  flibble (20:05 2/6/2005)
                    VincceH (20:21 2/6/2005)
                      Richard Hallas (21:20 2/6/2005)
                        flibble (12:51 3/6/2005)
                          pvigay (13:31 3/6/2005)
                            pvigay (13:32 3/6/2005)
                              andypoole (13:33 3/6/2005)
                                pvigay (13:43 3/6/2005)
                                  flibble (01:09 5/6/2005)
                                    Stoppers (14:45 5/6/2005)
I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #93588, posted by [mentat] at 11:38, 2/6/2005
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
This is an brilliant.
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Andrew Poole Message #93589, posted by andypoole at 11:57, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93588
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558

Aparently, the first post in CSAM agrees...

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Phil Mellor Message #93590, posted by monkeyson2 at 13:21, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93589
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I have some suggestions too (particularly for some of the more vocal RISC OS personalities)...

1. Stop categorising people into "developers" and "users", it only serves to alienate one group from the other (in both directions).

2. Take your arguments to email earlier, please (unless they're the five minute variety which are quite fun to read). And please don't start a full half hour argument on every flipping thread and forum which you both contribute to. We know some of you don't get on.

3. Don't complain about wasting your time, if all you're doing is wasting your time complaining about it. (Recursive)

4. Google is your friend. But for many users who are still on slow and expensive internet connections, newsgroups may be more friendly.

5. A lot of the questions on newsgroups are frequently asked. Perhaps we should update the Frequently Asked Questions list to make it more relevant to modern RISC OS use?

6. Often, it's just a joke. Laugh.

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #93591, posted by [mentat] at 13:40, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93590
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
lol ;-)
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Peter Howkins Message #93592, posted by flibble at 14:18, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93591

Posts: 891
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Phil Mellor Message #93593, posted by monkeyson2 at 14:50, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93592
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380

I was hoping you would write one of those :)

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Andrew Poole Message #93594, posted by andypoole at 14:53, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93593
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
I think I prefer flibble's version to Chocky's!!?! LOL!!...


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Peter Howkins Message #93595, posted by flibble at 15:40, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93594

Posts: 891
I appear to be getting a reputation ;)
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Richard Hallas Message #93596, posted by Richard Hallas at 17:17, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93595
Posts: 13
I just love the parody version! ;-) It's spot on.

I'd like to add an extra point to the parody guide myself (numbered 13a here, because the existing number 14 is the perfect way to finish the list):

13a. Be sure to criticise other people's lack of care, poor understanding of English grammar and inability to spell whenever they make any kind of typo. Always remember to demonstrate that your own command of grammar and punctuation is at least one order of magnitude more inept than that of the person you're criticising. Include as many typographical gaffes of your own as possible, to reinforce this point.

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Peter Howkins Message #93597, posted by flibble at 20:05, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93596

Posts: 891
heh, not bad, anyone else got anymore?

I'll add them to the list if people don't mind?

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VinceH Message #93598, posted by VincceH at 20:21, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93597
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Now that's just weird. I'm sure I was registered before, but could find no record of my username/password, so I registered again... and now I've noticed my username is "VincceH" - I would make a comment about not being able to type my own name, but I have this massive feeling of deja-vu, like I've posted a comment on Iconbar before, with a mistyped username - specifically, mistyped that way - and commented on said typo. Spooky.

And also strangely pertinent, given Peter's comments about his name in the article - which, by a strange quirk of coincidence, is precisely what I was going to make a silly comment about.

The comment being that henceforth, I shall always think of Peter's name as being "Pointers Null"

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Richard Hallas Message #93599, posted by Richard Hallas at 21:20, 2/6/2005, in reply to message #93598
Posts: 13
flibble: be my guest.
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Peter Howkins Message #93600, posted by flibble at 12:51, 3/6/2005, in reply to message #93599

Posts: 891
Thanks Richard, I think I'll add another one myself.

"If you think you're starting to lose an argument, change the subject. No one ever notices."

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Paul Vigay Message #93601, posted by pvigay at 13:31, 3/6/2005, in reply to message #93600

Posts: 200
If you're starting to lose an argument, tell the other person to stop changing the subject!
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Paul Vigay Message #93602, posted by pvigay at 13:32, 3/6/2005, in reply to message #93601

Posts: 200
And don't call me 'Paul'. Oh! Wait! Hang on a minute....
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Andrew Poole Message #93603, posted by andypoole at 13:33, 3/6/2005, in reply to message #93602
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
pvigay: Sorry, Peter ;)
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Paul Vigay Message #93604, posted by pvigay at 13:43, 3/6/2005, in reply to message #93603

Posts: 200
Shirley you're mistaken!

...on second thoughts, let's not go there!

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Peter Howkins Message #93605, posted by flibble at 01:09, 5/6/2005, in reply to message #93604

Posts: 891
Peter Vijay, tanks for you're comment, Ive!! added it as it MADE ME LARF?!?!?!?
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Simon Willcocks Message #93606, posted by Stoppers at 14:45, 5/6/2005, in reply to message #93605
Posts: 302
The original is still available on Google.


Personally, I read it, thought "what a cheek" (especially the "Proper Use of English" section), and expected to see several posts extracting lager-coloured bodily fluids, not the vitriol that actually happened. I think that telling anyone how to behave is almost always going to lead to problems (not just on Usenet, try asking single people parked in parent and child spaces where they left their child sometime; don't expect an apology!), and that's doubly true if people think you've behaved badly in the past.

I think perhaps Peter Howkins' version is more likely to make people think about what they are doing.

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Usenet and Mailing List Posting Guide [updated]