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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: A test for the film buffs
  A test for the film buffs
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Tony Haines Message #107600, posted by Loris at 14:19, 9/6/2008
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Do you mind being called buffs? I wouldn't, but someone I know objects...

Anyway, I recently remembered seeing part of an SF film on weekend afternoon TV maybe 10-20 years ago. At a guess it was made somewhere in the late 60s to early 80s.

When I started watching, a group of spacemen and a woman were wandering around on a moon in brightly coloured spacesuits. The explanation for why they were coloured was so that you could tell each other apart easily. Which makes good sense. After a bit they had some sort of fight, and the woman and at least one man fought off the rest of the group.

I hope I'm not mixing up two or more films; I think that later on, on a planet, they were captured and hung upside down for a bit. Towards the end there was a big spacefight, with large spaceships being boarded by men in flying coffins.

IF someone could point me towards it I'd be interested in seeing it again, hopefully it'll be on DVD by now.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107601, posted by Phlamethrower at 14:33, 9/6/2008, in reply to message #107600
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Have you tried finding it using the IMDB keyword thingy?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107606, posted by Phlamethrower at 23:18, 9/6/2008, in reply to message #107601
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Have you tried finding it using the IMDB keyword thingy?
This thingy, if you haven't found it yet.

I've had a quick look, and so far Moon Zero Two looks like it fits your brightly-coloured spacesuits requirement (there's a load of pics here). But it doesn't contain space coffins, and I haven't found anything that does (yet).
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107607, posted by Phlamethrower at 23:27, 9/6/2008, in reply to message #107606
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I've just found Starcrash, which looks like it contains the much sought-after space coffins (There's a video near the bottom of that page showing them in action - they're two-seater yellow torpedoes that get fired at the enemy ship).

Starcrash also contains visits to several planets, during which I'm sure there's plenty of time for them to be captured and hung upside down. Also David Hasselhoff!
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Tony Haines Message #107621, posted by Loris at 18:48, 10/6/2008, in reply to message #107607
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Thanks P. That looks like them. The sapphire asteroid seems to ring a bell, so thats almost certainly it.
Thinking back, there does seem to be quite a different tone to the two parts I described. I'm unsure whether the second film I was remembering.
I remember the coffins as much boxier than they are in the clip there, and I thought at least one was shot down, but the way they crash through the windows is right, so they are probably it.

So well done and thanks very much!
I'd not been able to find the keyword search on imdb, but even with it I'm not sure how you found either of those films.

On a side note, isn't it funny how a 'space' prefix makes pretty much anything sound cheesily cool.
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Jason Togneri Message #107624, posted by filecore at 19:26, 10/6/2008, in reply to message #107621

Posts: 3868
Have you tried finding it using the IMDB keyword thingy?
This thingy, if you haven't found it yet.
I'd not been able to find the keyword search on imdb

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Jeffrey Lee Message #107627, posted by Phlamethrower at 20:01, 10/6/2008, in reply to message #107624
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Have you tried finding it using the IMDB keyword thingy?
This thingy, if you haven't found it yet.
I'd not been able to find the keyword search on imdb

Well, it is hidden away in the sidebar on the front page. The whole Browse section doesn't seem to link to it at all, as far as I could tell.

So well done and thanks very much!
I'd not been able to find the keyword search on imdb, but even with it I'm not sure how you found either of those films.
I think for the first one I found it just by looking for 'astronaut' - but I may have found it under both 'astronaut' and 'moon' (I know I checked both). The second one was just under 'space battle'. But both did require looking at several probable entries and using Google to find further information (since IMDB is a bit lacking in terms of plot details and images for the older or more obscure films).
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Tony Haines Message #107630, posted by Loris at 22:57, 10/6/2008, in reply to message #107627
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Have you tried finding it using the IMDB keyword thingy?
This thingy, if you haven't found it yet.
I'd not been able to find the keyword search on imdb

Well, it is hidden away in the sidebar on the front page. The whole Browse section doesn't seem to link to it at all, as far as I could tell.
I did actually look at searching IMDb, but it didn't go directly to that page, and I wasted my time trying to search plots or something which either gave 10,000 hits or none.
Of course, I didn't know it was there, so after looking I figured it wasn't. The site just doesn't seem navigable to me, somehow.
Maybe the site needs a meta-search button, which points you at the search you want.

Then again, I often find that I just can't see something I know is there, which is really annoying.

So anyway, Thlamethrower.
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Tony Haines Message #107889, posted by Loris at 22:38, 21/7/2008, in reply to message #107630
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
I've now bought Moon Zero Two on Ebay, and watched it. It was the one I (half) remembered, and I enjoyed it. Clearly a low budget, but with some good ideas. It is one of those old British films, and I couldn't quite get over the fact that a minion was one of the Carry On actors.

Anyway, 's good. Now for Starcrash.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107955, posted by Phlamethrower at 00:50, 3/8/2008, in reply to message #107889
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
OK, here's a mystery for you lot:

A few years ago (3 or more) there was a TV series on the sci-fi channel, set sometime in the future, where humanity appeared to be up shit creek without a paddle. The problem is that I've only seen the adverts for the programme, not the programme itself.

As far as I can remember, it was set on or around the millennium (or *a* millennium), and this factored so much into it that the programme was called Millennium. Except that nothing I've looked at so far on IMDB with that name comes close to matching what I remember, so the previous sentence might be a load of nonsense.
Also as far as I can remember, the reason humanity is up shit creek is either due to a genetic mutation (resulting in lots of grumpy semi-mutant people living in slums in the ads). Another possibility is that the problem was an ecological collapse (I certainly don't remember seeing much plantlife in the ads); or it might be a combination of both.
As far as I know there were no aliens or space travel involved.
Also I think the scenes in the ads were always quite dimly lit, and with a female voiceover (no doubt saying how everyone's up shit creek).

That's about all I can remember, and no amount of searching through IMDB, wikipedia or old Sci-Fi listings (!) has come up with something that sounds like the right match so far.
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VinceH Message #107956, posted by VincceH at 12:53, 3/8/2008, in reply to message #107955
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
The first thing that came to mind as I was reading your description was a single episode of an anthology type thing - Masters of Science Fiction (Or possibly Sci Fi). However, that did involve space travel, since it was a story set on a space ship in some distant orbit, crewed and inhabited by mutants. (The result of some disease or other on Earth).

Plus, the voiceovers were done by Stephen Hawking.

So it's probably not that.

I think the "millennium" thing might be a bit of a red herring - it could be that the word figured so heavily that it could easily have been confused for the title. As an example, for a while I only partly saw the trailers for The Day After Tomorrow, and thought it was going to be called some key phrase that popped up in the bits I saw - Storm of the Century or some such rubbish.

Whatever it might be, I can't think of anything offhand that I've heard of that sounds like it beyond that one episode that it almost certainly isn't.

Can you remember if it was a new series, or something ancient that they might have been showing for the first time (for them)?
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VinceH Message #107957, posted by VincceH at 13:06, 3/8/2008, in reply to message #107956
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
And while we're coming up with hard ones to identify, here's one I've been trying to identify for many years...

I remember seeing this when I was a nipper - probably in the latter half of the first decade of my life, but possibly the first half of the second decade. I'd suggest it was made in the 70s.

I think it was a TV series - possibly just a mini-series - rather than a film.

The basic storyline was a widespread disease or virus of some kind which, basically, spelt the end of humanity - though the story was about the spread of the disease itself and the efforts to stop it, and not a post-apocalyptic this-is-the-world-after type story.

Beyond that, I don't remember a whole lot about it - just one specific scene that has stuck in mind. I think this is how it ends, so it gives the thing a nice downbeat ending (or, it could have just been a cliffhanger ending to one episode, which isn't so good) - but they've discovered that one of the doctors or scientists or whatever is immune, so his blood holds the key, but for whatever reason he's not in the medical facility (or it might be that while he's not there, it's him who made this discovery - either way, he's not there, and he's the key to a cure).

It ends with him trying to get back in, but there's a mass of people (in a stairwell?) - he's trying to get past them, but can't. It might even be that there's some kind of panic, and he gets crushed beneath the feet of all these people.

Nothing I've found so far has this scene in it. And the first thing anyone ever suggests is The Survivors, but from an episode by episode look at it, that also doesn't appear to contain this scene. (I probably would enjoy The Survivors, though, so I really ought to get that).

[Edited by VincceH at 13:15, 3/8/2008]
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VinceH Message #107958, posted by VincceH at 13:24, 3/8/2008, in reply to message #107957
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
How bizarre is this? I try to identify this film/series/whatever every few months, and always fail.

After typing the above message, I immediately search again - and find it in a matter of minutes.

Not only that, but it turns out I already have it in my DVD collection.

It's "The Crazies" - which I bought and without checking dismissed it as not the film I'm actually looking for. (I bought it because it's one of Romero's babies).

Best get the DVD found and watched, then.
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VinceH Message #107959, posted by VincceH at 14:06, 3/8/2008, in reply to message #107958
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600

And searching back, it seems I had considered The Crazies a possible contender about three years ago, but concluded it wasn't likely to be the one - but decided to buy it anyway because it looked interesting (due to it being a Romero, and getting a mention in a book dealing with Zombie films).
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107960, posted by Phlamethrower at 01:26, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107956
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Can you remember if it was a new series, or something ancient that they might have been showing for the first time (for them)?
I don't remember it looking particularly old. But then again, I can hardly remember anything about it in the first place.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was actually an ad for Mad Max 3 or something - but I'm fairly sure that the ads were running long enough for it to be a series, not a film.
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VinceH Message #107962, posted by VincceH at 08:59, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107960
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
There is some crud that springs to mind this morning. I doubt it's what you're looking for - I'd be astounded if it's what you're looking for!

It's obviously some dystopian future, based on the odd clips I saw, but I've no idea the reason (disease, ecological disaster, nuclear war... whatever). I quite simply didn't watch it.

The reason being that it was a kid's show, and we all know how rubbish they are - but the Mad Max comment made me think of it. (!)

And I'm rambling while I try to remember what it's called, and failing. Kids show, shown on daytime TV (natch) on probably one of the terrestrial channels. Bunch of kids surviving in a tribe-like way.

AHA! That's it: The Tribe


Blimey, it's got 7 stars. Perhaps I shouldn't have dismissed it so out of hand.
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VinceH Message #107963, posted by VincceH at 09:04, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107962
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Blimey, it's got 7 stars. Perhaps I shouldn't have dismissed it so out of hand.
Nope. I've just looked at the trailer linked on the discussion board. It looks shit.

Afterthought: Dark Angel? That's fairly recent and was shown on the Sci Fi Channel. The 'mutants' are actually genetically modified people - IIRC mixed with animal DNA in an attempt to make super-soldiers - and earlier batches went "a bit wrong". Most people are slumming it because it's set after... I can't remember what. I don't think it was a full blown nuclear war or anything so drastic. Perhaps just EMPs?

[Edited by VincceH at 09:12, 4/8/2008]
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Jason Togneri Message #107964, posted by filecore at 09:19, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107963

Posts: 3868
If you want a good post-nuclear near-future type film, you should check out Threads. Not much in the way of zombies and whatnot, but pretty horrifying from a sociological point of view!
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VinceH Message #107965, posted by VincceH at 09:59, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107964
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Yes, agreed.

It's a bit dated now, but it was more of a documentary done as (mostly) a piece of science fiction (science faction?), and it's aim was to educate the British public in how to survive (and what was believed would happen) in the event of a nuclear war.
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Tony Haines Message #107966, posted by Loris at 10:08, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107957
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
The basic storyline was a widespread disease or virus of some kind which, basically, spelt the end of humanity - though the story was about the spread of the disease itself and the efforts to stop it, and not a post-apocalyptic this-is-the-world-after type story.

Beyond that, I don't remember a whole lot about it - just one specific scene that has stuck in mind. I think this is how it ends, so it gives the thing a nice downbeat ending (or, it could have just been a cliffhanger ending to one episode, which isn't so good) - but they've discovered that one of the doctors or scientists or whatever is immune, so his blood holds the key, but for whatever reason he's not in the medical facility (or it might be that while he's not there, it's him who made this discovery - either way, he's not there, and he's the key to a cure).

It ends with him trying to get back in, but there's a mass of people (in a stairwell?) - he's trying to get past them, but can't. It might even be that there's some kind of panic, and he gets crushed beneath the feet of all these people.
Ooh oooh ooo! I saw that. Yes I know you've since identified it, but still. Although I saw it as a film - you're right, it did have a mini-series feel to it. Perhaps it was recut from a TV series.

I also used to watch The Tribe, as it was on Saturday morning which I traditionally spent lazing around. It's for kids, and was alright if you bore that in mind.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #107967, posted by Phlamethrower at 10:41, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107966
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Ooh oooh ooo! I saw that.
I thought you were talking to me for a minute unhappy

The programme I'm looking for definitely isn't Dark Angel or The Tribe, I know that much.
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VinceH Message #107968, posted by VincceH at 11:36, 4/8/2008, in reply to message #107966
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
The Crazies

Ooh oooh ooo! I saw that. Yes I know you've since identified it, but still. Although I saw it as a film - you're right, it did have a mini-series feel to it. Perhaps it was recut from a TV series.
I should imagine that if it was, that fact would be mentioned in my book or on IMDB, but I can't see anything that indicates this being the case.

If anything, I suspect the reason my vague memory made it possibly a series (or mini-series) is that I was quite young when I saw it*, so it might have seemed longer than it was - and also, because it was such a long time ago, my ageing memory might have confused that one remembered scene from one film with many other things I've seen.

Incidentally, I couldn't find the DVD when I searched yesterday. unhappy

Incidentally the 2nd, it's being remade.

* Irresponsible parents, obviously. wink
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VinceH Message #108188, posted by VincceH at 22:35, 28/8/2008, in reply to message #107968
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I couldn't find the DVD when I searched yesterday. unhappy
But I now have, and I'm about to watch it.

So, judging by the length, I'll know shortly after midnight if I really have finally identified the film I've been looking for all these years. My remote control finger is positively wobbling with excitement...
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VinceH Message #108189, posted by VincceH at 00:34, 29/8/2008, in reply to message #108188
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
And the answer is...

The scene in the film doesn't quite match what I remember from seeing it as a kid, but that's more than likely because I was a kid a very long time ago. I am therefore positive that I have, at long last, filled in the hole in my mind.

Now I just need to dig another one... wink
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Tony Haines Message #113504, posted by Loris at 13:14, 25/2/2010, in reply to message #107968
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
The Crazies


Incidentally the 2nd, it's being remade.
The remake is now (or very shortly) in cinemas, I've seen trailers for it. Seems to feature more in the way of explosions than the original.

Does anybody know if it's worth watching?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #123619, posted by Phlamethrower at 13:47, 5/5/2015, in reply to message #107955
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
OK, here's a mystery for you lot:

A few years ago (3 or more) there was a TV series on the sci-fi channel, set sometime in the future, where humanity appeared to be up shit creek without a paddle. The problem is that I've only seen the adverts for the programme, not the programme itself.

As far as I can remember, it was set on or around the millennium (or *a* millennium), and this factored so much into it that the programme was called Millennium. Except that nothing I've looked at so far on IMDB with that name comes close to matching what I remember, so the previous sentence might be a load of nonsense.
Also as far as I can remember, the reason humanity is up shit creek is either due to a genetic mutation (resulting in lots of grumpy semi-mutant people living in slums in the ads). Another possibility is that the problem was an ecological collapse (I certainly don't remember seeing much plantlife in the ads); or it might be a combination of both.
As far as I know there were no aliens or space travel involved.
Also I think the scenes in the ads were always quite dimly lit, and with a female voiceover (no doubt saying how everyone's up shit creek).

That's about all I can remember, and no amount of searching through IMDB, wikipedia or old Sci-Fi listings (!) has come up with something that sounds like the right match so far.
I think this was quite possibly Stephen King's The Stand, with I've now seen thanks to the Horror Channel being on Freeview (lovers of bad film and TV unite!)
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VinceH Message #123620, posted by VincceH at 15:53, 5/5/2015, in reply to message #123619
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
[snip your original description]
I think this was quite possibly Stephen King's The Stand,

I wouldn't have got that from your description (and re-reading this thread, I didn't get that from your description)!

Admittedly, it's been a long time since I watched it, but from what I remember the first part deals with the accidental release of a virus that wipes out most of the human race, then the second and third parts turn a potentially good story (albeit one which had some naff acting) into religious mumbo jumbo.

Since it was a virus, people either died, or they were the lucky immune - I can't see where 'semi-mutant' people came into it. The closest I can think of is the lead bad guy who my memory is saying was supposed to be the devil (or a demon?) generally taking advantage of the apocalypse.

But, as I said, it's been a long time.

with I've now seen thanks to the Horror Channel being on Freeview (lovers of bad film and TV unite!)
Annoyingly, I have the 'freeview-equivalent' TV package from Virgin Media, and it doesn't include the Horror Channel - which still requires a sub to their most expensive TV package to get. Having said that, for a good few months last year, the channel was available to me for no apparent reason.

(I don't have an aerial, so don't have normal freeview).
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #123621, posted by arawnsley at 17:08, 5/5/2015, in reply to message #123620
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
There was a 1989 (checked on IMDCool Dude film called Millenium (I remembered the name) with Kris Kristofferson.

Basically all I remember was that it wasn't as good as I'd been told (it's 20 years since I saw it), and it involved people on a plane being time-travelled in some manner.

However, the plot does stem from people in the year 3000 (or something) living in some toxic environment where they can't have children etc. Which would sort of fit your description.

If this *was* the Millenium in question, you didn't miss much - as I said it was quite underwhelming, although someone had recommended it to me so perhaps that's why I was disappointed.

Link is http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097883/ if you want to know more.

Incidentally, you're *much* better off watching the Lance Henrikson "Millenium" TV show which was well worth a look-see by comparison, although they did tend to veer the story in wildly different directions each season.
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VinceH Message #123622, posted by VincceH at 18:51, 5/5/2015, in reply to message #123621
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
There was a 1989 (checked on IMDCool Dude film called Millenium (I remembered the name) with Kris Kristofferson.
Oh, yeah - that one. I'd forgotten about that one.

If this *was* the Millenium in question, you didn't miss much - as I said it was quite underwhelming
Yeah, that's probably why I forgot it. wink

If memory serves, the plot involved the people from the future determining when a disaster was about to happen in our time - such as the plane crash, which is being investigated in the film - and whipping the people forward in time so that they didn't die. They might have replaced them with corpses from their time - I can't remember.

IIRC there was an amazing twist that nobody could ever possibly see coming at all, no way: That they caused the crash by removing the people (including the pilot) from the plane.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #123623, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:31, 5/5/2015, in reply to message #123620
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
[snip your original description]
I think this was quite possibly Stephen King's The Stand,

I wouldn't have got that from your description (and re-reading this thread, I didn't get that from your description)!
Yeah, I know it doesn't exactly match up with my description, but it does have a few things going for it:

* Humanity up shit creek = check
* Genetic mutation - kinda, it was a genetically engineered super-flu after all.
* Disfigured/semi-mutant people - Could have been mistaken for the people who were dying of the flu, or perhaps the old woman. Plus Matt Frewer.
* Dimly lit - Several dream sequences
* Female voiceover explaining how humanity's up shit creek - old woman again. Plus I think at one point she did say that it's once every generation/millennium where something like this happens (once every generation is probably a bit of a stretch), but I don't feel like watching it again to make sure.

Or possibly I've just seen so many trailers for The Stand over the years that the two programmes have become intertwined in my mind.

Admittedly, it's been a long time since I watched it, but from what I remember the first part deals with the accidental release of a virus that wipes out most of the human race, then the second and third parts turn a potentially good story (albeit one which had some naff acting) into religious mumbo jumbo.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. The last episode is particularly funny, thanks to the devil throwing a hissy fit and trashing his hotel room, and the main good guy suddenly forgetting how to stand and breaking his leg for no good reason. And the whole hand of god thing.

There was a 1989 (checked on IMDB) film called Millenium (I remembered the name) with Kris Kristofferson.
Nope, that's definitely not it, at least judging by the trailer. Plus I'm fairly certain it was a series rather than a movie.
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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: A test for the film buffs